Introduction to XHTML

Week 1 Assignment - XHTML Template

I learnt to build web sites some years ago, whilst completing the OU Certificate in Web Application Development. We used to hand code our pages & validate to web standards.

Since then I have built a few web sites, & have completed a number of IWA classes. I am always looking to extend my web development skills & am taking this class in order to revise & consolidate existing knowledge.

I am also keen to complete some of the IWA certificates; after this class I will only have 1 core class to take to obtain a Web Technologies Certificate, having previously completed:

The final class I want to complete in this series is the 'Introduction to Designing Accessible websites" - but no classes are currently scheduled for this :-((

Week 2 Assignment- XHTML Validation & using Lists

Week 2 Assignment

Week 2 - Part B

Week 3 Assignment - XHTML using CSS, with both validating

Week 3 Assignment

Week 4

Week 4 Transitional

Week 4 Strict

Week 5

Week 5 Links

Week 5 Table

Week 6

Week 6 Form

Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict